On October 22, The General Communicable Disease Control Branch (GCDC) of North Carolina was contacted by a guest and family member of the bride to report an outbreak of gastroenteritis caused by E. coli O157:H7, associated with a catered wedding reception held in Raleigh on October 13, 2007. GCDC reported the call to Communicable Disease nurse staff at the Wake County Human Services Department (WCHS) and offered to assist with their investigation.

The wedding reception was held at the Exploris Museum in Raleigh and was catered by Triangle Catering. 110 wedding guests were invited to attend, and staff who worked the even were allowed to consume leftover food items.

27 people report a diarrheal illness with onset between October 13-24, 2007. Two people were hospitalized. One patient in New York reportedly has acute renal failure, and is considered an HUS case by the State of New York.  The State of North Carolina Health Department concluded that:

"It does seem more likely than not the outbreak occurred because of exposures to food items served at the wedding reception that were contaminated with E. coli O157:H7. "

All cases were recently settled.