Five more cases of E. coli in Nebraska have been linked to tainted spinach that’s killed one person and sickened more than 130 people across the country.

Three people in Nebraska have been hospitalized, according to the Lincoln Journal-Star. The afflicted range in age from 13 to 83.

About half of those with the food poisoning in this national outbreak were hospitalized, according to the CDC. E. coli causes diarrhea, often with bloody stools. Most healthy adults can recover completely within a week, although some people — including the very young and old — can develop hemolytic uremic syndrome, a form of kidney failure that often leads to death.

Natural Selection Foods LLC, a San Juan Bautista company whose multiple brands many people reported eating before falling sick, has recalled spinach products distributed throughout the United States.

Salinas-based River Ranch Fresh Foods recalled spring salad mixes containing spinach purchased from Natural Selection.

On Tuesday, a third company said it was voluntarily recalling salad mixes that may contain spinach supplied by Natural Selection. RLB Food Distributors LP, based in West Caldwell, N.J., said the recall included various salad mixes sold under the Balducci’s and FreshPro brands and distributed on the East Coast.