Here’s a quick rundown on the E. coli posts filed on the Marler blog in recent days:

Nebraska Beef Recalls More E. coli Contaminated Beef Product

More Companies Joining the 2007-2008 E. coli Recall Club

Topps Meat and Nebraska Beef – What’s in Common?

Whole Foods, Fred Meyer, City Market, King Soopers and Dorothy Lane Markets have one thing in common – Nebraska Beef and/or Coleman Natural Meats E. coli

E. coli Cases Linked to Nebraska Beef in cases now linked to Georgia, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, New York, Utah, Indiana, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Canada

Marler Clark Calls on S&S Foods to Pay E. Coli Boy Scouts’ Medical Bills and Parents’ Lost Wages

Nebraska Beef E. coli now linked to illnesses in Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Utah, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Canada – It is time from Dorothy Lane, Kroger, Whole Foods and Coleman Natural Meats make better decisions.