The“particularly dangerous” type of E coli (0157:H7) is said to be responsible for an outbreak at Michigan State University. Ten students living on campus are sick.  According to the Detroit Free Press:

Tests have confirmed that the strain of E. coli that infected at least ten Michigan State University students last week is a “particularly dangerous” type. It’s the same strain that killed several young children in the Pacific Northwest in 1993 after eating hamburgers at Jack-In-the-Box restaurants, Dr. Dean Sienko, director of the Ingham County Health Department said.

The strain was confirmed by tests this morning, as the health department and health officials at the East Lansing school sought to determine the source of the outbreak.

Still, the infection seems to have been contained. No one has sought medical treatment since Thursday, Sienko said.

Sienko told the Free Press the ten cases could, however, represent the "tip of the iceberg" as many victims of food borne illness do not seek medical treatment.  For more, go here.