In a world where financial markets around the globe can all either light up or melt down in an instant, the path meat takes to our tables should not come as a surprise.   Still, we are reminded how quickly these linkages can catch up with us when the United States is recalling Nicaraguan-produced beef being distributed by a packer in Puerto Rico.

While this isn’t going to make Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega happy (see picture to see how he looks now), United Press International is reporting:

The U.S. Food Safety and Inspection Service announced a recall of approximately 420 pounds of frozen beef trim in Puerto Rico due to possible contamination.

The FSIS said Packers Provision, a Puerto Nuevo, Puerto Rico, company recalled the meat because it might be contaminated with E.coli O157:H7.

Being recalled are 60-pound bulk boxes of "BM-95 BONELESS BEEF." Each shipping container bears the establishment No. "Nicaragua 4" inside the Nicaraguan mark of inspection. The shipping label bears the item No. "00003," and an Aug. 19 packing date.

The recall expands a similar action announced last week in which Nicaraguan-produced frozen beef trim products were exported to the United States and then sent to various distributors and other establishments for further processing. The recall was expanded Monday to Puerto Rico.

For the UPI story, go here.