Big Red is out to find a diet that limits E. coli 0157:H7 at the feedlot. Researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are studying how nutrition of ruminants affects the colonization and growth of E coli 0157:H7.

Nebraska’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources is focusing on how nutrition affects microbiology. It has focused on E. coli research since 1997. Previous research showed E. coli is so common in feedlot cattle it would not be practical to eliminate it.

UNL has worked closely with Canadian researchers on a vaccine. One feed additive was found to reduce fecal shedding of E. coli by about 35 percent, and vaccination reduced shedding by 65 percent.

A company called Bioniche has obtained permission to market the vaccine in Canada. It is awaiting approval for sale in the United States. UNL researchers believe knowing when and where E. coli is being shed in manure is key to controlling it.

UNL is also studying the impact of distiller’s grain on E. coli shedding.