I received the following comments on my posts on the Captain’s Galley E. coli outbreak:

Chris – June 8, 2007 06:35 AM

My daughter and her boyfriends family all ate there on the 27th. The 2 women in the group both ate the slaw, and both got sick. My daughter’s boyfriends mother has been diagnosed with e coli, and my daughter is on her way to the Rowan health dept to get tested for it. Another note, we had to take her to NE Medical ER last Sunday night for the same symptoms and their diagnosis was possible gastoenteritis.

Susan – June 11, 2007 06:21 AM

My great aunt ate at Captains Galley on the 27th.She also ate the slaw. She has been in the hospital since June 2nd, and in ICU since June 2nd.She was diagnosed with e coli. On June the 7th they removed her entire colon. She is still in critical condition and remains in ICU.