Lanie Smith, the 4-year-old Fallon girl who was stricken with hemolytic uremic syndrome following an infection in June, has been released from the hospital, according to reporter Viktoria Pearson.

During the time Lanie was in Oakland fighting for her life with failing kidneys, a tragedy in Fallon took place where a young boy lost his life, said McKay. Within two hours of his death, the parents offered Lanie the boy’s kidneys when the hospital asked if they were willing to donate his organs.

Doctors should know within about four weeks if Lanie will need a kidney transplant.

Another Fallon boy, John Cessford IV, 2, contracted E. coli in May and spent nine days in Washoe Medical Center ICU. He has recovered fully. A 5-year-old girl from Carson City had E. coli and was in the Children’s Hospital ICU for three weeks with Lanie.