Brent Solomon of WALB TV warns parents: is the pool that your child goes swimming in safe?

There are national outbreaks of water borne illnesses each year, but unfortunately, the safety of water often cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Each year places with public pools have to re-apply for a permit. That’s when the Health Department comes out and makes sure the pool is properly treated. After that, inspectors come back at least once during the year un-announced to make sure the water is still safe.

Pool operators are also supposed to test their pools several times a day – so if there are any questions, you can simply contact the health department and request to find out if the pool you use passed its last pool inspection.

The health department says it tests a number of public pools, including hotels and parks – but they do NOT test pools at apartment complexes. If you’re concerned about your apartment’s pool, you can contact your leasing office and ask how often they treat the water, recommends Solomon.