Regarding the recent outbreak of E. coli infection from lettuce, the following data on outbreaks of E. coli infection are abstracted from GideonOnline:

  • 1975 – An outbreak (2200 or more cases) of E. coli infection at Crater Lake National Park was attributed to contaminated drinking water.
  • 1983 – Outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness associated with eating imported French Brie cheese occurred in the District of Columbia, with subsequent cases in Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, and Wisconsin.
  • 1998 – An outbreak (3300 estimated cases) of E. coli infection was caused by delicatessen foods supplied by a caterer.
  • 1999 – An outbreak (11 cases, 3 HUS) of E. coli infection was associated with a lake in Connecticut.
  • 1999 – An outbreak (58 cases; 2 HUS) of E. coli infection at a cheerleading camp in Texas was ascribed to contaminated ice and salads.
  • 2004 – An outbreak (111 cases) of ETEC infection caused by E. coli was reported among employees of a company in Illinois.
  • 2006  – An outbreak (36 cases) of E. coli infection among employees of a company was ascribed to contaminated cole slaw.